Leveling up Our skin care treatments

October 18, 2021

All the latest trends all right here.

With that first morning chill and the golden hue of fall leaves approaching you may also start to feel a dryness in the skin and the longing for that fresh faced feeling. Long summer hikes and the excitement of social togetherness are good for the soul but wear on the face. Gravity, Fatigue and overexposure have settled in and now is the time to RENEW.
In the last couple of months we were pleased to be able to add 3 distinct specialty facial treatments to our offerings at Botanica. Whether you are in need of deep exfoliation, facial rejuvenation or a gua sha lift we have all the things to deliver results right here for you. Let’s break it down and decide which service you’d like to try first or whether a series of all 3 is best for you!

First of all, we are very excited to be offering Gua Sha Chinese facials. Now, these
facials are a serious trend in skin care and on social media currently. Everyone from
famous makeup artists to your average Joe is on Youtube demonstrating how to use a jade tool for an at home Gua Sha experience. Do not confuse this with what we are offering here at Botanica which IS THE REAL DEAL.
This luxurious and relaxing experience that will leave your face feeling and looking
slimmer and more contoured. We are blessed to have Larissa Gusseva who has
learned the art of Gua Sha during her time in China and is now offering her expertise to Botanica clients. Her meticulous study and collection of jade tools and essential oils make this experience absolutely one of a kind. See more here about our individual experience http://botanicaskinandbrowstudio.com/about/

Second, Our state-of-the-art microdermabrasion machine, which utilizes crystal
technology to polish the skin, removing dead skin and debris, while a gentle vacuum
stimulates lymphatic drainage. This treatment will also include red or blue light
therapy and light acid application if appropriate. This is the ultimate micro peel and will leave your face fresh and soft as a babies bottom.

You’re probably seen Microcurrent facial rejuvenation gadgets on HSN and online
promising a renewed and lifted appearance. Our Myolift 600 professional grade
microcurrent machine is the golden standard when it comes to all thigs microcurrent. Myolift 600 uses the actual micro current technology which retrains the muscle by elongating and shortening muscle. This gives the entire face a lifted and toned appearance. We also include a targeted lip or eye treatment during this facial which is sure to give you the stimulation you desire (you will feel it working). Microcurrent boosts ATP which is cellular energy, renewing the health and functionality of the cells within the skin, muscle and tissue of the face and body.

So there you have it! See a more detailed breakdown on specific services and pricing here http://botanicaskinandbrowstudio.com/services/. We are currently taking $30 off of your choice of these facial treatments through November. Simply use the discount code “RENEW” during checkout or give us a call and we can get your scheduled for your Fall Renewal treatment.